Cross tréningy, Špecialitky


BYE 2023

WOD „Bye 2023“ – perform this workout as fast as possible:

100        Jumping Jacks

2            Worm Crawling 8m

3            Rope Climb (lano) / alt 6 x from the ground to stand

4            Burpee Broad Jumps 16m

5            Front Rack Heavy Carry 2xKTB Around The Gym @20kg/12kg

6            Wall Walk

7            SkinTheCat /alt Knees To Elbow

800        m ROW

9            Burpee Pull Up

10          Devils Press 2xDB @15kg/12kg

11          Pull Ups (zhyby)

12          Clean @35/25kg / Alt dumbells

130        Single Unders

14          Biceps Curls @30/15kg / Alt dumbells

15          HighBox Jump @30/24

16          Dips / Alt Dips On Box

17          Push Press s VČ @35/25kg / Alt empty bar

18          OverHeadSquat s VČ @35/25kg / Alt empty bar

19          Toes To Bar / Alt High Knees

20          HR PushUps (hand release pushups)

21          KTB A-Swing @24kg/16kg / Alt 20/12kg

22          Shuttle Runs 8m

23          KTB SDLHP @24kg/16kg / Alt 20/12kg (SumoDeadLiftHighPull)

24          KTB Gobblet Squat @24kg/16kg / Alt 20/12kg

25          WallBalls Throws

26          SuperMan Zdvihy

27          Butterfly SitUp

28          KTB R-Swing @24kg/16kg / Alt 20/12kg

29          Australian Pull Up (horizontal pull ups)

30          sec HandStand Hold

31          1-hand DB Snatch (champagne 😊 )


Perform all the excersices as fast as possible but with strict technique and above all with good mood !!!

Enjoy my friends and Happy New Year 💪🙋‍♂️😁

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1 komentár

  • Aďo Vaščík

    Super tréning Vlado! Ukončenie so sezónou 2023 vo veľkom!!! Teším sa na tréningy po Novom roku!!! Aďo.

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