

SuperSlow Calistenic & Cardio

WOD with very intensive and exhausting combination of strict calistenic movement and cardio. Here are the rules 😉👊:

„Cardio“ = choose and alternate from Row, Shuttle Run, AirBike, Battle Rope, Jumping Jacks, Jumping Rope


„SuperSlow“ execution :

1) start with the more difficult part of excersice (by Pull up = hang, by Squat = bottom squatting, by dip = upper dip hold, by push up = from the ground)

2) slow and uniform perform the excercise movement cca 30 seconds to the final position (by Pull up = upper hold, by Squat = standing, by Dip = bottom dip position, by Push up = plank)

3) hold in the final position 5 seconds

4) slow and uniform perform the movement into the starting position within 10-15 seconds

WOD = Perform in style EMOM 50 Minutes (5 Rounds x 10 Intervals) as follow:

  1. Cardio 50 seconds
  2. SuperSlow Pull Up (change grip every round)
  3. Cardio
  4. SuperSlow Squat (change the foot position and distance every round)
  5. Cardio
  6. 25 Seconds Side Plank Hold/right/ + 25 Seconds Side Plank Hold/left/
  7. Cardio
  8. SuperSlow Dip (alterante with Push Press, can change the hands possiotion)
  9. Cardio
  10. 30-50 Seconds Hollow Rock Hold /alt Beatle/

Enjoy 🙋‍♂️💪

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