Cross tréningy


Ready For Change

Partners (even for lone warriors 😉) fullbody cross functional workout:

4 x 12Min AMRAP for Partners

4 Workouts (A=A1+A2, B=B1+B2, C=C1+C2, D=D1+D2):

– Partners Change everytime when A1,B1,C1 or D2 is done!

– Singles: Start with A1, B1, C1, D2, then preform the same time A2, B2,C2 and D1 and repeat within 12 minutes by every workout.

A1         1st         10 Pull Ups / Australian Pull Ups
A2         2nd       ACC Max CALs on the ROW

B1          1st         10 x 8m Wall Ball Carry
B2          2nd       ACC MAX Wall Balls Throws

C1          1st         20 Push Ups
C2          2nd       ACC MAX Benchpress @50% BW / 30% BW

D1         1st         Plank Untill 2nd do the Target
D2         2nd       10 T2B / High Knees (Accumulute the maximum numbers of T2B together)

Total Score by Partners = A2+B2+C2+D2
For Single the Score = 2 x (A2+B2+C2+D2)

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