Cross tréningy, OCR


OCR Partners WOD for Saturday

Partners WOD with Time Cap 55 minutes:

1st Partner on Cardio – change with 2nd Partners when Workout Circle is ready:

2nd Partner is doing next Workout circle:

  • N x Monkey 4m
  • N x Plank Walk Around The Box (Legs on box)
  • N x 6m Quadrupedal Dog Walk + 6m Bear Walk
  • N x 3 Burpee Box Jump
  • N x 8m Plate OverHead Lunges

N is changing for each next round as follow: N = 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2,… till the TimeCap.

Try to perform with the good tempo and do not slow down, similar by OCR challenge. Try to get better time for each round then You Partner and try to get more Calories too. Cahllenge Yourself eachother with Your Partner to get Your best performance for this workout;)


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