Cross tréningy



EMOM 50 Minutes (5 x 10 Minutes):

  1. Plate Hold in Front Of The Face by „Chair“ Sit On The Wall
  2. Shuttle Runs (from plate to plate)
  3. Devils Press with the Plate
  4. Jumping Over the Plate
  5. Plate OverHead SitUp
  6. Plank Hold
  7. Bench Press with the Plate
  8. Mountain Climber
  9. 2 Plates Heavy Carry
  10. Calories on the ROW

Use the Plates from Barbell only, as heavy as possible to hold the good technique. Try to work every round minimum 40 Seconds or more then move asap to next station to be ready start immediately when next minute begin.

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1 komentár

  • Aďo Vaščík

    A to si ako vopred vedel, že budem takto velebiť kotúče? 😀 Ináč, super tréning, po tých pár kolách aj ľahšie kotúče pri niektorých cvikoch dali dobre zabrať, nezdá sa to. 😉 Parádaˇ.

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