

Static Hell

Very intensive calistenic metcon workout. TABATA Circles 30-10 seconds. During each circle alternate 2 exercises (one static and the next dynamic). Static holds are extremaly udefull for strenghteen Your joints and tendons (and mental toughness 😎), dynamic is building Your metabolic condition and endurance. If You give it Your all, the results will be impressive…

Each Circle (letters A,B,C,D,E) make as the whole Tabata circle (8×30 sec rounds with 10 sec roest in between), then continue immediately next circle. Within 50 minutes You can do this 10 Tatata Circles also perform them A-B-C-D-E-A-B-C-D-E. Lets start 👊

A1. Hold Upper/Middle Pull Up Position (can variate Your grip) – A2. Mountain Climber

B1. Hold Bottom Wide Squat Position – B2. Jumping Jacks

C1. Upper Dip Hold (Rx- rings) – C2. ROW Cardio

D1. Hollow Body Position (alt DeadBug) – D2. Battle Rope (alt SkiErg)

E1. Hand Stand / (Head Stand) – E2. Box Jumps (alt Oscilation in the Lunge)

☝️and one more time

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