Cross tréningy, OCR, Špecialitky


Ready for Valentine

This workouts I prepared on the occasion of Valentine’s day plus it’s my wife’s birthday ♥️🥳

OK, let’s start to celebrate 💪!


Each of next Circles has TimeCap 4 Minutes.

1st Partner is performing the Part „1“ untill Target – 2nd is „waiting“ for him by the prescribed Activity „2“. After they immediately change their position and repeat nonstop AMRAP untill the TimeCap.

All this Circles You should make twice (it means 2 big rounds x 7 Circles). Also this workout takes totaly 7Circles by 4 minutes x 2Times = 56 Minutes with no rest.

  • A1. 10 x Wall Balls Throw
  • A2. Press to the Knees in DeadBug position


  • B1 10 Calories on the ROWer
  • B2 HandStand Position Hold


  • C1 10 (5) Burpees (Devils Burpee)
  • C2 Monkey climbing


  • D1 50 Double Unders (Jumping Jacks)
  • D2 Wall Sit (extra plate if needed)


  • E1 10 x Legs Raise (Toes2Bar)
  • E2 Battle Rope


  • F1 20 x HipThrust (Plate in the Hands in Front of Your Face)
  • F2 Side Plank (Change Side Everytime You by Partners Change)


  • G1 5 x „Biceps“ PullUp
  • G2 Mountain Climbers


Take care of technique, encourage each other by the workout and try to change as many times as possible within those 4 Minutes by each Circle. I am sure that after this workout the partners relations will be much better 🙂 And if not the relations, surely the metcon and mental power 😉

Enjoy 🙋‍♂️☘️


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