Cross tréningy, Tréningy


Sweaty Barbells

The workouts combining six 8-Minutes metcon amraps circles of Barbell and Cardio which You can customize according to Your preferences. More heavy weight will increase Your power, more fast tempo will support Your endurance. But if You choose higher weights and hold Your tempo as fast as possible, Your workout would be realy challenging! Its up to You 😉  There should be not any rest within the circles, after every circle You can take 1 minute 😊💪. Enjoy ☘️✌️


A. AMRAP 8 Min

  • 6 x Bench Press
  • 6 x Box Jump


B. AMRAP 8 Min

  • 6 x Dead Lift
  • 30 x Jumping Jacks


C. AMRAP 8 Min

  • 6 x Clean & Jerk
  • 6 x Calories


D. AMRAP 8 Min

  • 6 x Front Squat
  • 30 x Rope Jump


E. AMRAP 8 Min

  • 6 x Barbell Roll
  • 30 x Mountain Climber


F. AMRAP 8 Min

  • 6 x Biceps Curl
  • 6 x Calories

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