Kalistenika, Tréningy



Do You ever feel like do not have enough time? Now this feeling becomes a reality😁

Calistenic workout circles extremaly challenging Your metabolic and mental condition.

How to enjoy this workout?

By nonstop clock style EMOM (nonstop intervals of 60 seconds) perform all the following workout circles:

Every start of new minute perform the first part – then immediately continue to Accumulate the next Exercises untill the Target is ready. Then continue next circle etc… untill all the circles are done.

A.   6 Calories – then Accumulate(ACC) 100 Pull Ups

B.   10 Box Jumps – then ACC 100 Jumping Squats (Wide-Narrow)

C.   10 A-Swings – then ACC 80 KneesToElbow

D.   20 Double Unders – then ACC 60 Hindu Push Ups

E.   1 x Monkey cca 6meters – then ACC 50 Devils Press


Despite the fact that is going on AFAP workout its extremaly important to stay by good technigue and strictly hold the one minute intervals. If You do not have breath or power anymore, just take one minute rest and continue…

Btw its great training for fitnesschallenge 💪

Enjoy ☘️🙋‍♂️

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