Cross tréningy, Kalistenika


Body Play

EMOM 48 Minutes (3 x 16)

  1. ROW
  2. Bear Crawling
  3. Dip Hold on the Rings
  4. Battle Rope
  5. Broad Jumps
  6. WallSit (+kg on the knees)
  7. Jumping Jacks
  8. Crabs Crawling
  9. Active Hang (Scappulars Activated) / Upper Dip Hold 30-40 seconds
  10. Burpee Shuttle Run
  11. Dog Crawling
  12. SuperMan Hold on GHD
  13. Rope Jump
  14. Superman Rolling (Valec)
  15. Mountain Climbers
  16. 5th Tibetian / Hindu PushUps

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