Cross tréningy, OCR, Tréningy


Burpees in the middle

OCR inspired workout in the crossfit style, freat for fullbody, metcon and mental strength.

For 50 Minutes Do Every 2:30 Minutes next Circles One after Another (4 Rounds 1-2-3-4-5):

  1.  10 Smash Balls + „i“ Burpees + 20 JumpingSquats
  2.  20 WallBalls + „i“ Burpees + 40 MountainClimbers
  3.  2-3 Rope Climbs + „i“ Burpees + 5 Calories on ROW
  4.  5 x 8m HeavyBall Carry + „i“ Burpees + 20 RopeJumps
  5. 10 ToesToBar + „i“ Burpees + 30 JumpingJacks

Every round You must to satisfy the Target, then take a rest untill 2:30 and begin the next Circle (also You will make 20 Circles together/4 big Rounds/).

For first 5 rounds You will do „i“ = 10 Burpees, next 5 rounds (if You are able) You increase „i“=11, next 5 „i“=12 etc.


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Vladimir Takac - inspiruj zivotom ...

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