


In this workout You will alternate static holds and cardio interval but You will try to accumulate as long time by hold as possible within the prescribed interval. Of course we will join the full body to have complex fullbody training. Very important is to set the right difficulty for every hold – also try to set difficulty to be able stay in this hold 30-60 sec in first try, of course this interval will decrease still more and more by every next try. Also here there are some AMRAP intervals which You should perform one by one. 7 x 7minutes, I adviaced to make 1min rest between the AMRAPs.

1. AMRAP 7 Minutes

    • Upper or Middle Pull Up Hold untill failure
    • 20 Mountain Climber

2. AMRAP 7 Minutes

    • L-Sit Hold (choose the difficulty to hold min 30 sec the first time)
    • 15-20 sec Battle Rope / 5 Calories on AirBike

3. AMRAP 7 Minutes

    • Upper or Bottom Dip Hold untill failure
    • 5 Calories on the Row

4. AMRAP 7 Minutes

    • Low Settingma (weighted) hold
    • 4 Shuttle Runs

5. AMRAP 7 Minutes

    • Side Plank Hold (alt by every round)
    • 5 Cals on the ROW

6. AMRAP 7 Minutes

    • SuperMan Hold on GHD untill failure
    • 20 Jumping Jacks

7. AMRAP 7 Minutes

    • Hand Stand Hold
    • 5 Burpees

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