Cross tréningy



Tabata Party Today – 14 Tabata Rounds 8 x (20sec In-10sec Out). This means that You will work every single exercise 8 rounds 20 sec Work + 10 seconds Rest. Very important is to go by Work on Your MAX and try to hold the same nuber of repetition/Calories/etc for the all 8 rounds. Fullbody a bit OCR and functional oriented of course with a small adition of cardio.

  1. Pneu Flip
  2. Battle Rope
  3. Box/Sledge Push
  4. Row Cardio
  5. Sledge Pull
  6. Row Cardio
  7. Monkey
  8. AirBike
  9. Plank Walk Around The Box
  10. Mountain Climber
  11. Plate OverHead Lunges
  12. Oscillation in Lunge (every round change the leg)
  13. Maze/KTB Halo (Rotation Around The Head)
  14. Burpees

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