Cross tréningy


Friday’s MIX

Friday’s MIX

Fullbody Barbell Workout with combination of more heavy exercises and cardio.


Every of the next Circles You will do in 5 Rounds – one after another – 2 Minutes Work + 30 sec Rest

A – AFAP 15 Calories – then immediately Max Reps of Bench Press (@ start with 50-60% BW),

    • if You will have more then 12 reps, increase weight 5-10%

B – AFAP 15/20 Burpees – then immediately Max Reps of Dead Lift (@ start with 60-70% BW),

    • if You will have more then 12 reps, increase weight 5-10%

C – AFAP 60 Mountain Climbers – then immediately Max Reps of OverHead Squat (@ start with 30-40% BW),

    • if You will have more then 12 reps, increase weight 5-10%

D – AFAP 15 Calories – then immediately Max Reps of Clean & Jerk (@ start with 30-40% BW),

    • if You will have more then 12 reps, increase weight 5-10%

E – AFAP 15 Biceps Curls – then immediately Battle Rope Untill the 2:00

    • start with cca 20-30% BW, try to increase a bit by every next Round


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