Kalistenika, Špecialitky


Ten Seconds

Another great training for #fitneschallenge. OK, here are the „rules“ of this Workout.

Every of the next Circles You will go one after another. Every Circle will take 3 minutes which You will Go with system 10 Seconds Max Reps (by Cardio Middle-High Performance) and 10 Seconds Rest – 10 Seconds Max – 10 Sec Rest – … etc in 18 Rounds of 10 Seconds like this, after You will continue with no Rest (or max 30 Seconds) with the follwing Circle … untill You will Satisfy all the 18 3-minutes Circles. Of course, You try to hold the same number of Reps every of the „working“ Interval.

Here are the Circles You will Do with System 18 x 10 Seconds:

  1. Pull Ups
  2. Cardio Row
  3. KTB Sumo Squat High Pull
  4. Cardio Rope Jumps
  5. Dips
  6. Cardio Row
  7. Lunges Weighted
  8. Mountain Climbers
  9. Toes To Bar
  10. Cardio AirBike
  11. Australian Pull Up
  12. SuperMan Hold
  13. (High) Box Jumps
  14. Shuttle Runs
  15. Push Ups
  16. Battle Rope
  17. Sit Ups Plate Over Head
  18. Burpees

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