Cross tréningy


Colourful 8

„Colourful“ all around fullbody workout for today? Here it is:

For „i“ = 1,2,3, … (=nuber of the rounds You are actualy doing) do the following exercises:

  1. i x 10 Double Unders / Jumping Jacks
  2. i x 5 Tibetans
  3. i x 8 meters Crab + 8 meters Duck
  4. i x Monkey (4-6 meters)
  5. i x Side Plank Walk on the Plates Pavement on the Ground
  6. i+i x Kick off to Handstand (thrue left + right leg)
  7. i x SkinTheCat
  8. i x 10 Calories / Shuttle Runs

Time Cap – as You wish 😉

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