

Up and Down

Here is the other way of Calisthenic training to accumulate many Reps, fullbody of course 🙂

WarmUp: at first lets warm up and stretch a bit by the next Circuits:

16 Rounds of Tabata 30-10 (it means 2 complete Circles of the next list of Exercises):

  1. Cardio Row
  2. 2nd Tibetian
  3. Battle Rope
  4. 3rd Tibetian
  5. AirBike
  6. 4th Tibetian
  7. Jump Rope
  8. 5th Tibetian

WOD „Up and Down“

Every of the next Exercises You will do as follow: Start 1 rep – 10 seconds Rest – 2 Reps – 5 Seconds Rest – 3 Reps – 5 sec Rest – etc – untill You will be able to make all the Reps Unbroken – after You will hold the same Rest (5 Seconds) but every next Round decrease the Reps untill You will finish the last with 1 Rep. Then continue with next Exercise:

  1. Pull Up
  2. Hindu Push Up / Hand Stand Push Up
  3. Pistols (for both legs separately)
  4. ToesToBar
  5. Australian Pull Up
  6. Dip / Triceps Dip
  7. 1+1 weighted Jumping Lunges
  8. Overhead Situps


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