Cross tréningy


Bell’s Five

Fullbody „Bells“- Workout. Each part will start quite easy but at the end starts to be quite challenging, of course it will depends from the weights and tempo You will choose😉

A. AMRAP 12 Minutes

Perform every „i-th“ Round: 1xA1 + 1xA2 + 2xA1 + 2xA2 + … + i x A1 + i x A2 then Cardio and continue with i=i+1:

  • A1 Bench Press on Inclined Bench @2db
  • A2 Butterfly Press @2db
  • Cardio i Calories


B. AMRAP 12 Minutes

Perform every „i-th“ Round: 1xB1 + 1xB2 + 2xB1 + 2xB2 + … + i x B1 + i x B2 then Cardio and continue with i=i+1:

  • B1 Front Squat @BB /@2db/
  • B2 Thruster @BB /@2db/
  • Shuttle Runs (i+i) x 8m


C. AMRAP 12 Minutes

Perform every „i-th“ Round: 1xC1 + 1xC2 + 2xC1 + 2xC2 + … + i x C1 + i x C2 then Cardio and continue with i=i+1:

  • C1 KTB R-Swing
  • Cardio i Calories


D. AMRAP 12 Minutes

Perform every „i-th“ Round: 1xD1 + 1xD2 + 2xD1 + 2xD2 + … + i xD1 + i x D2 then Cardio and continue with i=i+1:

  • D1 Arnold Press
  • D2 Biceps Curls
  • Cardio i x 5 RopeJumps


E. AMRAP 12 Minutes

Perform every „i-th“ Round: 1xE1 + 1xE2 + 2xA1 + 2xA2 + … + i x E1 + i x E2 then Cardio and continue with i=i+1:

  • E1 Romanian DeadLift @2db
  • E2 Bended Dumbells Row @2db
  • Cardio i x BoxJumps


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