

Ten Seconds From Panic

This calistenic workout is great for improvement muscles endurance, technique, skill and if You choose the higher difficulty also the power could be build very effective way. Of course (as by all my workouts) the „power“ excersices are well combined with cardio so You could be sure Your cardio will be better again after this workout 😉

How to make this workout: With nonstop running timer with 10 seconds intervals spend by every excercise 24 rounds (240 seconds = 4 minutes). Perform every odd interval (1,3,5,…21,23) max effort for to make as many reps of possible to do with strict technique. Every even interval (2,4,…,22,24) make the rest. No rest between the excersices change.

  1. Pull Ups (can change the grip every interval)
  2. Double Unders / Single Unders
  3. Squats (weighted)
  4. Shuttle Runs
  5. Dips (alt Triceps Dips)
  6. ROW Cardio
  7. Australian Pull Ups (Rings or Bar)
  8. ROW (Max Effort)
  9. Plate OverHead Sit Ups
  10. Battle Rope
  11. Push Ups (Change the Hands Position)
  12. AirBike (Max Effort)

Target is Max Reps / Calories be every excersice

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