Cross tréningy


Dumbells Playground

Fullbody metcon workout with the dumbells with inceasing numbers of repetition…enjoy 😉

AMRAP 40 Minutes: Perform the following cycle with dumbbells for 40 Minutes, increasing the number of exercises by 2 each round (i = 2,4,6,8…):

  1. i x Devils Press 2xdb (angličáky s jednoručkami)
  2. i+i x Dumbell Biceps Hammer Curl + Dumbell Curl with Rotation / R + L (= left + right hand)
  3. i+i Front Rack Cosaque Squat (Kozácky Drep s jednoručkami vo frontracku)
  4. i+i x Plank Row 2db (striedavé príťahy jednoručiek k hrudníku v planku)
  5. i x Thruster
  6. i x Arms raising cycle with dumbells: Hands down beside the Body – Raise Forward + Raise Sideways + Raise Back To Forward – Down beside the Body
  7. i x DeadLift + Shoulders Shrugging with 2db
  8. 20 Calories on ROW /alt 100 Jumping Jacks, 20 x 8m Shuttle Run/



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