


Partners Calisthenics Fullbody Workout

1st Partner is doing:

  • odd minute: Cardio (on the Row hold the tempo 800-900 Cal/hour by breathing with the nose only)
  • even minute: Plank (alt Side Plank)


2nd Partner is doing next workouts. After every workout is ready, the Partners change each other and after continue for next Circle one by one:

A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – … reps untill Time Cap 6 minutes

  • Wide Pull Ups /alt Australian Pull Ups/
  • Pseudo Planche Push Ups


B. 1+1 – 2+2- 3+3 – 4+4 – … reps untill Time Cap 6 minutes

  • Shrimp Squats L + R
  • 1-leg DeadLifts L + R


C. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – … reps untill TimeCap 6 minutes

  • Chin Up Pull Ups
  • Hand Stand Push Ups /alt Pike Push Ups/


D. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – … reps untill Time Cap 6 minutes

  • Toes2Bar / High Knees
  • (GHD) Hyperextensions

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