Simply perform the next exercises with next sequence and enjoy this fullbody OCR inspired training for everybody. Make it this way:
1 – 2+1 – 3+2+1 – … – 10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 . After 1st round make 10 meters ROW Cardio, 2nd = 200m, 3rd = 300m, … 10th = 1000m… and thats it 😎
- 1 x Rope Climb
- 2 (1 left+1 right) x TGU = Turkish Get Up with KTB
- 3 x Skin The Cat (alt Knees To Elbow ☝️slow execution of every rep)
- 4 x Plank Walk Around The Box
- 5 x Devils Burpee
- 6 x Pneu Flip (Heavy Ball GTOH)
- 7 x Monkey+T2B
- 8 x Shuttle with 2 Heavy KTB (DL with KTBs by every rotation)
- 9 x 8meters Plate Over Head Lunges
- 10 x Burpee Balance 😎
☝️☝️☝️ do not forget Cardio after every round
ALTERNATIVE: If You want to be sure You will „test“ all the exercises, start from 10+9+…+2+1 then from 9 to 1 etc …
Enjoy 🔥💪☘️