Cross tréningy



The next type of Tabata – styled workout, this time for kettlebells:

Also start the nonstop tabata clock as follow:

  • 1st round Every Exercise will perform 4 rounds in style Tabata 30-10sec (32 min totaly),
  • 2nd round Every Exercise will perform 4 rounds in style Tabata 20-10sec (24 min totaly):
  1. KTB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
  2. Jumping Rope
  3. 2xKTB Clean & Jerk
  4. Cardio ROW
  5. Combo A-Swing + R-Swing
  6. Burpee Over KTB
  7. KTB HALO (Around The Head)
  8. Mountain Climbers
  9. Russian Twists with KTB
  10. SideToSide Under Body Moving of KTB in Plank Position
  11. AirBike
  12. 1-hand KTB OverHead Lunges


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