Cross tréningy, OCR


Gym Songs

Choose the Random Playlist. 1 Single = 1 Exercise Stage, as many Reps as possible. Alternate the Exercises One by One. This means by every Change of the Song You should change the Exercise.

Time Cap 50 – 60 Minutes

  • GHD Variations (Sit Up Untill Failure – then immediately turn to Hyperextensions etc)
  • AirBike
  • Pneu Flip +  jump over the Pneu
  • Row Cardio
  • Sledge Pull
  • Battle Rope
  • Plank Walk ☝️every failure = +1 BoxJump
  • Burpee Shuttle Run
  • Hang On (anything) – ☝️every Failure = +1 Burpee
  • Wall Sit – ☝️Every failure = +1 Burpee

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Vladimir Takac - inspiruj zivotom ...
Vladimir Takac - inspiruj zivotom ...

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