Cross tréningy, Špecialitky



Open Your favourite music player. Choose random selection of the songs. By the end of each song go to the next workout circle, repeat untill the time cap 😉

  1. Standing on the balance bar on one leg.
    • ☝️When failed, do i+1 Burpee Over Bar (increase reps +1 by every next failure) and continue immediately with the next leg.
  2. Monkey Balance as You prefer /just hang as long as You can/.
    • ☝️ When failed, do i+1 Burpee Wall Ball
  3. Cardio on the Row
    • ☝️every minute Try max Hand Stand / Head Stand hold
  4. Plank Walk around the Box
    • ☝️When failed, do i+1 Burpee Box Over
  5. Wall Sit (some weiht on Your Knees would be appreciated)
    • ☝️When failed, do i+1 Burpee Shuttle Run and back
  6. Over Head Carry with 2 KTB
    • ☝️When failed, do i+5Seconds L-Sit Hold on the Bar
  7. Super Man Rolling (cca every 5 seconds change the position Superman vs Hollow Body)
    • ☝️When failed, do i+1 Rope Climb
  8. L-Side Plank – R-Side Plank – ☝️change everytime by Failure
  9. Cardio on the Row
    • ☝️every minute Try max hold in the „Frog“ hold

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Vladimir Takac - inspiruj zivotom ...
Vladimir Takac - inspiruj zivotom ...

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