

From 5 to 1

Calisthenics Combo Training. You can do everything at once or to use just some part during the running or another training session.

A. Perform the next combo with good technigue, no rest between the series, all the exercises try to do unbroken:

  • 5+5+5+5+5 Pull Ups (Wide + Narrow + ChinUp + Standard + OpositeGrip)
  • 5+5+5+5+5 Push Ups (Wide + Diamond + PseudoPlanche + Standard + OpositeGrip)
  • 4+4+4+4+4 Pull Ups (Wide + Narrow + ChinUp + Standard + OpositeGrip)
  • 4+4+4+4+4 Push Ups (Wide + Diamond + PseudoPlanche + Standard + OpositeGrip
  • 3+3+3+3+3 Pull Ups (Wide + Narrow + ChinUp + Standard + OpositeGrip)
  • 3+3+3+3+3 Push Ups (Wide + Diamond + PseudoPlanche + Standard + OpositeGrip)
  • 2+2+2+2+2 Pull Ups (Wide + Narrow + ChinUp + Standard + OpositeGrip)
  • 2+2+2+2+2 Push Ups (Wide + Diamond + PseudoPlanche + Standard + OpositeGrip)
  • 1+1+1+1+1 Pull Ups (Wide + Narrow + ChinUp + Standard + OpositeGrip)
  • 1+1+1+1+1 Push Ups (Wide + Diamond + PseudoPlanche + Standard + OpositeGrip)

!!! after full Circle 20 Caories / 20+20 Shuttle Runs / 100 Double Unders


B. In the same way „from 5 to 1″perform the next combo:

  • Squats (Wide + Narrow + Standard + Cosaque/L + Cosaque/R)
  • Glute&BottomBack (GoodMorning + 1-leg DeadLift/L + 1-leg DL/R)

!!! after full Circle 20 Caories / 20+20 Shuttle Runs / 100 Double Unders


C. In the same way „from 5 to 1“ perform:

  • Superman (Standart + Legs Rais Only + Butterfly SuperMan + Crosswise L-hand/R-leg + Cross R/L)
  • Hang Core (ToesToBar + Diagonal Raises/L + Diagonal/R + KneesToElbow)

!!! after full Circle 20 Caories / 20+20 Shuttle Runs / 100 Double Unders

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